Responsive Images

The CldImage component takes advantage of the amazing work made on unpic/svelte been able to expose the props and power from unpic and mixed with the power of Cloudinary.

Using the unpic props you can create responsive images with ease. Let’s review the available props that you can use


The layout prop allows you to control the way the image is resized

  • constrained: (default) the image will be rendered at a maximum of width and height, but will scale down automatically if the container is smaller, maintaining the aspect ratio.
  • fullWidth: the image will be rendered at full width of its container. This is optimized for full-width hero images. You can set height to a fixed value, which will mean the image will be rendered at that fixed height and scale horizontally to fill the container.
  • fixed: the image will be rendered at the exact size specified by width and height
    import { CldImage } from 'svelte-cloudinary';

      src="<Public ID>"
      alt="Description of my image"

      src="<Public ID>"
      alt="Description of my image"
  • Description of my image

    Layout: fullWidth

  • Description of my image

    Layout: fixed



The priority prop allows you to define how images are loaded, by default, images are lazily loaded. If you set priority to be true then the image will be eagerly loaded. This is useful for images that are above the fold, particularly large ones such as hero images.


You can use aspectRatio prop instead of using both width and height at the same time. You need to set one of them.

aspectRatio accepts a string like 3:1 or 9:16

      src="<Public ID>"
      alt="Description of my image"
Description of my image

Learn More about CldImage

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